Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Uncle Alex

In his most recent book, A Man without a Country, Kurt Vonnegut introduces his readers to his good uncle, Uncle Alex. Uncle Alex's chief complaint about others was that most people never notice when they are happy. He was known to spontaneously exclaim during pleasant family occasions "If this isn't nice, I don't know what is."

Vonnegut goes on to explain that he does this and so do his kids. No doubt his kids are teaching their children to notice when they are happy. He urges his readers to notice as well.

I ate lunch with the hubster out on the porch yesterday. It was one of those marvelous days when spring was absolutely exploding. While munching our fat hamburgers, we looked out on newly leafed out trees, and blooming dogwood and red bud. I told him about Uncle Alex and then murmured "If this isn't nice, I don't know what is."

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