Friday, June 08, 2007

Last day of 57

It's seems so long since I last blogged. Sick computers and Internet woes kept me out of commission, but everything is functioning well. And best of all, it only cost me $56.

Other problems solved this week. I got Mother to the dentist and her partial has been loosened to her satisfaction. That cost a whole $20. What a great dentist! I took her for a drive afterwards, but it didn't last but a few minutes before she became exhausted.

Mother's TV remote control disappeared too. I can't begin to imagine how much time I have spent keeping Mother in remotes, programming the blasted things, and teaching her how to use them. One would think she'd remember how to use something she's used for many years, but it hasn't been the case. Maybe she never was very proficient since no doubt my dad had custody and it's likely her former roommate hogged it too. So I searched her room for the remote to no avail, made a special trip to the big box emporium, programmed the new one and then taught her how to operate it, knowing full well the lesson will be forgotten before I was out of the building. Wouldn't you have guessed it, I found the missing remote two days later in the little quilt tote bag which hangs on her walker. She didn't seem surprised at all when I showed it to her. She mumbled something about needing it to use her walker. O..kay! Now she has two remotes: one for the TV and one for her walker.

Over the past few days I've been setting up my camp for another year. The hubster and I greatly enjoyed a campfire night before last. Son is making noises about a cookout at my camp which would be good to do before the dog days of summer. It just entails a lot of preparation and hauling. Guess who does 90% of that? Soon...

Yesterday I went with a group of friends over to the big bad city for an art fair. The art fair was nothing great but we had a fun time together. It has been a long time since I'd done anything like this. One gal brought along a GPS device and was playing with it as we rode, tracking our progress and speed. She let me fiddle with it a bit since I'm a sucker for gizmos. She is preparing to teach a group of kids how to use GPS by doing some Geocaching in the tiny town park. She is brand new to this hobby but has become an enthusiastic convert. On our return trip, we tried our hand at it. We didn't find the cache but we were close. We were a sight: 5 ladies wandering around an old bridge, braving weeds and poison ivy searching for a small box or canister containing a log, a pencil and a mickey mouse key chain.

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