Tuesday, July 10, 2007

And we thank Him for our food

These blackberries were picked this morning from the bushes by the pond.

The Minton bowl and saucer were my grandmother's. This year's blackberry crop has been the best I can recall...plenty for cobbler and more to freeze for future cobblers. Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I've ever really told you how much I enjoy and admire your posts, both the word-centric ones and the photo-centric ones. I showed Ruff your blog when she and Clay were visiting, and she was very impressed by your gift with words. I'm used to your graceful and thoughtful use of language, and it really took her comment to make me realize that I'd neglected to tell you that. I know you once wished to write screenplays, which, IMHO, would be a waste of your talents. Have you ever considered writing nonfiction (essays, memoirs, nonfiction)?

Oh yes, and mmmmm... berry cobber!