Monday, October 15, 2007

Westward Ho

Tomorrow I fly out to the west coast to hang with beloved oldest daughter, her delightful husband and to learn the latest about fear at a professional meeting. This trip comes a bit soon after my cabining trip. The timing elicited some mild protest from several patients. When I shared that my conference was on fear, without exception people thought it was an excellent topic to study and expressed hope that I would learn something that would help them. No doubt there will be interesting stories to tell upon my return.

I hope I don't miss fall in the Midwest entirely since it has, at long last, come. Speaking of fall, leads me to apples and a new-to-me variety called Honey Crisp. I haven't seen this apple in local stores, but I picked up a bag at an orchard just because I'd never tried them. My oh my! They are juicy, crisp, tart and sweet all at the same time. I can't remember ever eating a better apple. The Hubster loves them too which is great because he's a Granny Smith guy married to a Fuji/Pink Lady gal. We have found common ground. In Wisconsin, Honey Crisps go for premium prices and are credited for keeping local apple growers in business. It is still possible to invent a better mousetrap.

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