Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hearts and Flowers

I know it's a crass commercial holiday. I really do. But I like Valentine's Day. As a kid, I loved giving and receiving those little Valentine cards at school. Of course I also was happy to help my mother eat the big red heart of chocolates which our dad gave her each year. Dad made sure there was plenty for him too. And I like to pick out special just-for- them presents for my nearest and dearest.

Last night Hubster and I went to a concert of love songs by Canadian jazz singer and pianist, Carol Welsman. We were privy to the first concert of her two month American tour. The three musicians who worked with her were first-rate and the improvisations were simply electric at times. It's neat to hear old songs like "Dancing Cheek to Cheek" done in a new way. Check out the clip of Carol singing "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" or "A Slow Boat to China". I felt as if I was hearing these songs for the first time. Canada seems producing some mighty fine smooth jazz artists right now.

So may you enjoy St Valentine's Day! Chocolate, flowers, a gift or a card are simply tokens of love. And that is a good thing indeed.

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