Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Football injury and sheds

It was an absolutely gorgeous day last Friday, so I took the 5 year old little boy outside. We played football in the parking lot behind my office. Over the years my arm has developed and I can usually throw the ball so it will softly hit any kid's midsection. Now this kid threw wild balls, as far and as hard as he could. I taught him how to catch the ball and from then on he didn't miss a one I threw his way. I didn't catch any because they were either way wide or way over my head. So I ran a lot. We talked, laughed and goofed around the way you do with 5 year old little boys.

The next morning I awoke with a sore tailbone. It hurt to sit down. It hurt to stand up. It hurt to bend over. The only unusual activity I had done was play football. By day two, the pain was far less and today it is gone. Next week I'll get out the legos.

I learned a new term yesterday. A young lady came to the door wanting to know if she could look for sheds. Well we have two sheds, but why she wanted to look for sheds was beyond me. Hubster came to the door and told her he didn't know where any were but she could go look. I was still in the dark. I asked him what it was she wanted. He replied that she was looking for sheds. Seeing my confusion, he explained that sheds were the antlers which deer had shed. Oh, now I see. You can tell I grew up in the city.

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