Saturday, August 11, 2007

Weirdness outbreak

This week a weirdness epidemic broke out. I can only attribute it to the heat wave and perhaps the meteor showers. An atmospheric double whammy can throw people way off balance. I recall an unusual month with two full moons and another time when the vernal equinox and a full moon occurred in the same week. I suspect 911 dispatchers could tell some really interesting stories about this week and no doubt the emergency rooms have been hopping.

Broken hearts, broken marriages, legal threats, fights, rages, emotional meltdowns, physical malfunction, rampant's been unrelenting all week. I'm spent, however I still have one more day of work. TA, in a moment of silliness, left plastic flies on everyone's desks yesterday. One secretary complained "That's so sixth grade ". Well, it made me smile and I found myself trying to remember the theme to "Superfly". Couldn't pull it up, so I hummed "I'll Fly Away". I tell everyone to seriously pump up their water intake and have been following my own advice. Being adequately hydrated helps tremendously. Water balloons or squirt guns would be good too.

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