Saturday, November 17, 2007


Not long ago I met a woman. She told me that she'd had to overcome a horrible childhood. It appears her mom had some mean boyfriends, one of which tried to smother her when she was sleeping. There were many, many moves and perhaps some time in foster care.

Fortunately she had a good mind. She entered the military, where for the first time she encountered order and discipline. She thrived. She took advantage of the educational opportunities in the service and earned her bachelors and masters degrees. She has also been through years of therapy working through the mess of her childhood. She had made a good marriage and built a successful career.

She is an articulate, independent and intense young woman. When she was talking about all the moving around she did as a kid, she pulled her small duffel bag in to herself. "I always have this with me" she announced solemnly. "I never, ever want to lose my stuff again!"

When I tell this story, people always want to know what was in that duffel bag.


Anonymous said...

So what is in the duffel bag? ;)

Anonymous said...

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