Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Another Planet

Monday I took my mother to the hospital. If old age is a different country, then hospitals are a different planet. I have no complaints about Mother's care. People have been kind and gentle to her, but an old sick person is an old sick person. And an old sick person becomes a frustration to doctors and nurses because they really don't get well. At best, they get somewhat better. Doctors like dramatic recoveries. I guess we all do.

I was really gloomed out yesterday morning to see her confused and in such pain that even the slightest movement caused her distress. Then there was the somber business of obtaining a medical power of attorney and setting up do-not-resuscitate provisions. All of these wishes are part of her living will, but I gather a living will and medical power of attorney are not exactly the same thing. It seems there are different rules on this new planet. Curiously we both felt relieved when the papers were signed. I suspect we felt some tiny bit of control in a situation where we have so very little.

The physical therapist gave her ultra-sound and deep heat treatments yesterday which provided some much needed relief. I had to ask myself why this had not been tried before. That, however, is a pointless question. Whatever eases her pain now, even by a little, is welcome. By evening, she was loopy from the pain pills but resting comfortably.

This planet has its unique language. I am not fluent in it but I can get by, which is a help. If you speak their language, you are accorded more respect. Here, there are special uniforms, rituals, customs and a caste system. The newcomer is expected to absorb all of this quickly. Old sick people don't adapt well nor do they learn new rules easily. Mother is still learning how to press the call button to summon a nurse.

There are many other planets: prisons, schools, some corporations, and the military. After visiting Mother, I had to run out to our local big box emporium where I met a former patient of mine. He always had some melodramatic grand crisis occurring in his life and then, it was no different, as he offered up a brief summary of his current one. Actually, he lives on his very own planet and the sun really does revolve around him. He is very funny, so I truly enjoyed a brief excursion into his orbit. I left him chuckling. I am glad to be in my own world however strange it may be at some times and grateful that my interplanetary travels are only visits. But I do wonder how Pluto is feeling these days?

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