Monday, November 06, 2006

Another one bites the dust

I was saddened to see another Christian leader toppled this past week. It is good that the truth was brought to light but once again, the church gets smeared in the eyes of the world. So often, it seems, that we hate in others what we hate in ourselves. As Freud said when a patient talks he can only talk about himself. So when someone rants hard against dancing, gambling, greed, homosexuals, hypocrisy, drinking, smoking, or any other subject, I have to take into consideration the unconscious motivation of the speaker.

I don't know Ted Haggard. I gather he was a pretty influential man. I can't help but think of his family and the members of his church. One man I know is still hurting over the deception at the hands of his best friend and pastor. His friend/pastor was having an affair with a parishioner and he lied to everyone when the rumors started flying. This man stood by his friend when everyone else in town and in their church wanted to run the guy out of town. He was the only one to believe the fellow's lies. Finally his friend tearfully fessed up and resigned from the church. Three years later the ex-pastor is annoyed that his former parishioners are still mad and cross the street to avoid him. He seriously compares himself to David and preaches to anyone who will listen about restoration. Meanwhile his former best friend still feels betrayed and foolish for having trusted him. It takes a long long time to heal after trust has been broken

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of Christian leaders out there who preach love, peace, and tolerance. Family or not, I can't bring myself to feel sorry for someone who spread so much intolerance and injustice. Try not to feel sad about this guy- the fewer people like him in the clergy, the better served the world's Christians will be.