Monday, November 27, 2006

Brain on idle

I have been on vacation for the past week and I haven't been thinking deep blog worthy thoughts. It's been an "at home" vacation which for mothers might seem a contradiction of terms. Since my chicks are all grown up, it's great to have the opportunity to do some modified clucking over them. It was a very good visit with youngest daughter. Son was around quite a bit too. Since I have dedicated myself to simplifying the feast, I was less frazzled and enjoyed Thanksgiving far more. This is a healthy strategy!

The guys ate hot turkey sandwiches last night while I was taking youngest daughter to the airport, so we are down to just scraps of turkey. Actually the second annual flat chested mail order turkey lived up to the luscious juicy recollection of its predecessor.

Our Thanksgiving decorations will stay up a few more days since I'm not ready to start the hanging of the greens. The neighbors to the east always lead the annual Christmas decorating charge. Each year they create an amazing outdoor display of Christmas lights. Each year it grows bigger and bolder. This year many of the lights blink in synchronization to music, which we mercifully can't hear down at our house. Seeing as we do not live in a highly populated area, the glow from the neighbor's yard can be seen a good mile away, more if there were no trees to block the view. There is something outrageously wonderful about the display. It's not tasteful in the least. It's garish and haphazard, but it's fun. We get enjoyment out of the neighbor's exuberant delight and we don't have to pay their electric bill.

Saturday we went to our town's Christmas parade which is always fun. We were joined by eldest daughter's best school bud and her adorable 7 month old daughter who took all the noise and lights in stride. I admire the ingenuity of some of the floats which for the most part advertise local businesses. A memorable one was the brain child of a local plumber who created a Christmas tree out of lighted shower heads which then sprayed down streams of water. Only a plumber would think of something like that! Of course there were cubs scouts, tiny gymnasts cartwheeling down the street, the high school band, a grade school band, junior baton twirlers and pompom girls, the fair queen on her throne, local dignitaries, fire trucks and gratefully several churches reminding us what this season is really all about. Until I saw them marching in the parade, I did not know that our sheriff's department has a posse. It is a posse on horseback which trotted by in full uniform. Our tax dollars at work. The things I learn watching a parade!

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