Friday, November 03, 2006

Various things

An additional thought concerning yesterday's dream analysis has to do with the hubster trying to use bullets that are too small. Sometimes people will dream about guns or being shot and this represents getting a shot. Hubster injected mother's hip on several occasions and she had several epidural injections too. These provided some relief but no healing, ergo the bullets just weren't big enough.

A while back I blogged about a woman who had plopped down in anger and was refusing to do much of anything, acting like a stubborn toddler. This week she called to move her appointment because she is working now. Yay!

Another bright spot was a proud Mama sharing with me her son's engagement. He's been dating this girl for ages and has been dragging his heels about making a commitment. I paraphrased Goethe by saying that when we move to commit, Providence moves too. I predicted some neat changes for this young man.

Other good news is that Mother is settling comfortably into the nursing unit and I can see clearly now that she does really need this level of care. It's easy to delude myself on her good days that she is doing better than she really is. It is precisely because she is receiving so much support that she functions as well as she does. And on her bad days, it is all too evident how far she has declined. This awareness decreases any second guessing on my part and I am such an expert on second guessing.

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